Our AI Policy

The University of Miami’s Writing Center is committed to supporting all members of the University community in their academic, professional, and personal writing. We recognize that artificial intelligences (AIs) can be valuable tools for writing and research.  Further, we know that writers will need to be able to effectively and ethically engage with these tools inside and outside of academia. Our primary approach to AI is to ensure that our support aligns with the guidelines and expectations set by each professor for that class and the individual assignment. 

Note for Instructors:  Please be clear about your expectations for student use of AI, ideally in writing, either in your syllabus or on your assignment sheet.  This will help us follow your specific guidelines when working with your students.

Note for Students:  Please be aware of your instructor’s AI expectations when meeting with your writing center consultant so that we can help you in the most ethical and effective way.  If you have AI guidelines from your instructor in writing, please bring them to your session. 

Our staff can help students understand and use AI effectively and ethically, emphasizing the following:

  • Respect for Course and Publication Guidelines: We will work within the specific guidelines provided by instructors for each class and assignment (instructors, see note above). Consultants will not recommend AI tools to students that violate instructors’ expectations or academic integrity. When allowable and appropriate, our consultants may recommend AI tools and help students evaluate the results.
  • Skill Development: Our primary goal is, as always, to help students learn how to improve their writing. Today, that sometimes means learning to leverage AI responsibly to improve their writing, research, evaluation, and revision skills at different stages of the writing process. We continue to focus on writing practices and critical thinking in all our sessions.
  • Ethical Considerations: We encourage writers at all levels to consider the ethical dimensions of AI use, emphasizing original work, attribution and citation when appropriate, and an understanding of AI’s limitations, biases, and environmental concerns.

The Writing Center is here to help students improve their writing skills.  In some cases, that may mean guiding students in integrating AI tools in ways that enhance their learning experience while upholding the values and expectations of their instructors and the University of Miami. 

Note:  This statement was constructed with input from ChatGPT 4o
